New capability solves a major problem faced by K–12 schools: Giving students monitored Internet access when working on school-issued laptops at home.
Internet filtering for Chromebooks outside of school was once a near-impossible feat.
But SecureSchool has a game-changing new feature customers may not know about. Using the Chrome Management Console, IT admins can now configure their schools’ Chromebooks to enable SecureSchool content filtering off campus.
With their cloud-based platforms and low cost, Chromebooks are surging in popularity in K–12 schools throughout the U.S. These laptops are used primarily while connected to the Internet.
Protection In—and Outside of—School
In the classroom, students are typically protected from encountering inappropriate content online. Why? Because any K–12 school that receives government E-rate funds is required to comply with CIPA, Children’s Internet Protection Act. This compels schools to block obscene, pornographic, and otherwise unsuitable online content.
Although educators are not required to monitor students’ online activity beyond school walls—even when kids take school-issued equipment home—they often feel a responsibility to keep students safe and secure.
The ability to expand SecureSchool Internet filtering to homes, vacation spots, and anywhere a Chromebook user has Internet access gives K–12 staff welcome peace of mind.
The off-campus filtering feature is built in to all SecureSchool boxes, so there’s nothing additional to buy, download, or update.
For setup instructions, check out our Knowledge Base article, “Using a Chromebook at Home with the SecureSchool Filter.”
Note: If your Chromebooks aren’t managed, you’ll have to set that up first.

About the Author:
Lisa McComsey is a freelance writer, marketing consultant, and contributor to K12USA’s website and blog. In addition to her passion for technology, Lisa is a running and bicycling enthusiast, author of two books ("The Vegan Cheat Sheet" and "Seagan Eating"), and a hopeless chocolate addict.